It can be incredible to stop and marvel at the advances in technology over recent years. From the era of big, bulky PCs to new smartphones, technology just improves every day. The iPad is a great piece of technology. Keep reading to learn about what it can do for you.
It is easy to get to all the apps that are currently running on your iPad. By double-clicking on your Home button, you will see every running app in a bar near the bottom of the screen. Just click the app you wish to switch to, if you so desire. Make this bar disappear by making a downward swipe on your screen.
All you have to do is utilize a VPN network to get to the remote servers. To make a VPN connection, go to Network and turn on the VPN feature. Next, you need to supply both username and server address. If you don’t know what the address is for the server, talk to the network administrator.
Are you finding it annoying to receive constant messages from your iPad asking if you are interested in accessing a wifi network that it has detected? Get rid of this by going into the settings menu. Select Wi-Fi and then turn the Ask option off.
Pay close attention to the apps that you run on your iPad. A lot of iPad apps are designed to run as background processes. In order to view currently running applications, just click your Home button twice. The apps you have running are going to show up near the screen’s bottom. Press the Home button again or swipe down to clear the bar.
You can change your setting so that you are no longer asked whether or not you are interested in joining a Wi-Fi network. Go to Settings and opt for the Ask to Join Network option. Pick that option, and you will not see notifications any longer.
Iphone Charger
If you want to charge your iPad quickly, avoid using an iPhone charger. The iPad charger is a 10 watt charger. The iPhone charger is a 5 watt charger. Charging your iPad with an iPhone charger will end up taking nearly twice as long. Just use the original charger that was given with the iPad.
Download the manual onto your iPad if you need it. Apple doesn’t include manuals with their products in order to maintain a minimalistic image.
If you are like most people, you receive many emails each day and do not need to be notified each time. This can be turned off! Simply visit the Settings section and tap the General tab. Select Sounds. This will allow you to adjust or turn off any notifications.
Shortcuts will help you send messages quickly. One example is double tapping space to add a period. This will allow you to do it automatically, so you have more free time to speak with whoever you’re talking to.
A good way to keep the pages from closing is to open other one in a new tab. When in Safari, tap and hold a URL to see a popup menu. In that pop-up menu, you may choose to open your new link inside a new tab.
You must understand how to maintain your iPad correctly. It should never be left in a hot car or in direct sunlight. Battery performance is degraded with intense heat. Also, never put the iPad in a place in which liquids may damage it. You would be smart if you purchased a cover that will provide some extra padding for your iPad.
Podcasts are one of the most contemporary features of the iPad. Podcasts are radio programs that last anywhere from two minutes to two hours, and they can be on all sorts of topics. If you are tired of music during your commute, try out a few podcasts. No matter what your interests are, you can bet there is someone making a podcast to suit you.
The preloaded apps that came with your iPad might not correspond to your needs. However, it’s hard to delete some of these. You can put them away in a folder and they will not get in your way. This frees up space so that you can easily access apps you actually use.
Shutter Button
When you take photographs, you may grasp the sides of the iPad to hold it. This makes your shutter button move, and you may start wobbling when trying to snap photos. Try to use the orientation lock. This will keep the shutter button within easy reach of your thumb. Once you take the picture, utilize image editor for rotating your pictures or videos.
To see every app that is current running, double click the home button. This will allow you to see all of the running apps that you have. This enables you to know at any given time which apps are using up your energy and keep track of what you have recently worked on.
Use tabs to multitask. You don’t have to leave the website you are currently on just because you want to follow a link. Just hold the link rather than tapping it. This will give you a menu of options. From here, you can opt to open the link in a new tab, allowing you to keep your current page as well as open the new one.
Try controlling notifications. Whenever you have numerous apps, there are always notifications coming through, which can be very annoying. Go to Settings/Notifications to control them. For apps that you no longer want to alerts from, you can simply disable them and leave the others active. This allows you to restrain the alerts to only the most important apps.
There are a number of choices in technology devices these days, and the iPad is one of the most popular. Choosing the iPad also means you need to continually update your own knowledge. The piece above is just a starting place, so it pays to continue learning.